As the head cheerleader of a start-up, it is important to note that most of the largest businesses began from the point of mentorship. Someone believed in the business proprietors. They were somehow motivated by an individual who believed in their area of specialization. Like the American business author Zig Ziglar said, any successful man will admit to having been mentored by someone along the way.
As a young business professional looking forward to reaping high profits someday, you need guidance from someone who believes in the same business. While you may have many brilliant business ideas, here are some reasons for needing a mentor:
Gain the Unwritten Experience
Experience is a vital element in running a business. While books offer notes on experience and knowledge related to businesses, the unstated truth is that authors hardly ever reveal their situations in books. Gaining a personal experience from a mentor can help you in running your business. Intimate experiences offer guidance on how to deal with actual business experience regarding challenges. Mentorship guarantees real experience from an individual.

The more people you have on your team, the better your chances of success
Higher Chances of Succeeding
You are likely to achieve much in your business with a mentor by your side. The benefits of having a mentor complement the experiences acquired from college and your natural abilities to perform in business. A mentor offers new insight through sharing existing knowledge in the market. The key is having the humility to ask questions regarding new strategies for your business. If you begin from that point, your mentor will understand your interests in succeeding. Rest assured, you shall have opened a box of answers to your questions regarding business.
Entrepreneurial Networks
Networking is a fundamental element in successful businesses. Good entrepreneurial networks promote business. With a good mentor in place, your business has better odds for success because you can tap into referrals from his or her existing network. A good mentor will allow you to rub shoulders with their networks in search for better business ideas and strategies.

A good business mentor will help keep your business performance aligned with your original goals.
A Mentor Keeps You in Check
A mentor keeps you in check by encouraging you. Many at times, start-ups fail within the first three months of operation because of the hurdles involved during set up. An experienced mentor can help you walk through everything, from the starting a business through the daily operations.
A Mentor Develops Your Emotional Intelligence
As a young entrepreneur, emotional intelligence helps you to deal with situations in a sober and mature way. With a mentor, you will always have a sophisticated angle of dealing with situations in business. This is an important virtue when it comes to success in entrepreneurship. With a mentor in place, rest assured to be able to check your attitude and temperament when trading with other business associates.